Monday, July 20, 2009

Busy, busy

I know I do a lot of "busy, busy" posts but... I am!

Hmm, what's going on in my life. We've begun trying progesterone to increase our odds of keeping a pregnancy. Nothing conclusive, but I do notice effects so I am hopeful. For instance, it makes me sleeeeeeep.

We discovered Facebook but I don't get much of a chance to play on it. Pat does, and it's great.

We've transported a whole lot of critters. This weekend we transported a juvenile barn owl that didn't make it -- and I am heartbroken, as it was a pretty baby that didn't deserve to die. But this happens a lot and what we do is provide a better chance, not a certainty. We also transported a juvenile black-crowned night heron -- a gorgeous bird and the most aggressive/terrified we've had to capture. It wedged itself into a tiny space between two fences and had to be scared out from the neighbor's backyard with a rake, then caught in a blanket. Poooooooor heron, wish it luck.

We went to the fair for the first time in about oh, well, over 15 years. It was fun and a little silly.

I had bronchitis that took all energy and motivation out of me for just over 2 weeks. I still have a cough, but the doctor says no sign of pneumonia. I'll keep an eye on it. And this of course heavily interrupted our exercise routine, so I am hankering to get out and walk!!!

Developments at work have made it very unpleasant and I am searching. Let me know if you know of anything. The college job didn't pan out for Pat (boo hoo) but of course we have options. The sad part is that the job here didn't pan out for me because the maybe-future-boss bit off more than she could chew and is waiting 6 months... but I am a limited time offer, which will expire if I find something else first.

Um, that's about it... what's new for you?


Mantrah said...

Well then, why don't WE have you on Facebook?

Pathogen Ink Photography... might be under "orders@pathogenink"

Add us already! :)


Mantrah said...

Speaking of freaky things... we found this, and well... it's just too odd to pass up:

Wait... page two won't be page two for long... so hurry. You'll know it when you see it, friggin' birds!