Hi folks,
Our March for Babies will be on April 18, 2009. Details will follow on our own plans and experience, but in case you want to participate in your area, here's the site:
http://www.marchforbabies.org/I feel passionately about this cause (and the one in the immediately preceding post). This one, because the work March of Dimes does and the excellent information they maintain has been very helpful and a source of tremendous consolation to me in the last year. With two miscarriages last year, you can bet I need their help and the fruits of their research.
In related news, another endometrial biopsy to follow on Monday. I hate this particular phase of diagnosis... it's madly expensive, the Internet has mostly hostile things to say about the (controversial and somewhat new) science backing it, and I am financially fragile enough that I am becoming paranoid about how much my fertility specialist can squeeze out of me. Is it really necessary? Not many of us have the training to say, and I feel that I must trust him whole hog if I am to trust him at all. So I trust and grumble, but try to focus on all the children I know that were born through his assistance. (H & T, you've been through all this... any words of wisdom?)
Anyway, go out and be good. Love you guys.