Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Help me reach my goal! Sponsor Me at March for Babies!

Hi all,

The March for Babies is this coming Saturday. I am still looking for sponsors. I've set a very modest goal of $50 for myself this year because I know how broke everyone is. My brother and partner will also be walking, but I'm not sure they've signed up for the walk on the site. Last year I signed them up and they may be spoiled. :)

This is a cause that means a lot to me -- the March of Dimes' research may give me a child, and may indeed save my life, since I would not otherwise have sought a diagnosis of thrombophilia and might have had a stroke if untreated. If you choose to participate, I'd be honored if you would sponsor me. If not, no worries. Just be active for a cause that you are passionate about.

In the interests of full disclosure... We are probably only walking about half of the course this year; due to complete spacebrain, we said yes to a Red Elvises concert the same night and I think conserving some of our energy will be a must... especially for Robert, who will be driving us to the Elvises concert in between the two. Yikes.

Love you all!

I kind of flunked the widget size. Forgive me!

It reads, "One day, all babies will be born healthy. Help me reach my goal."

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